Wabi Sabi

Wabi-sabi is a beauty of things imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete. It is the beauty of things modest and humble. It is the beauty of things unconventional. It is artistically quiet, not harsh or jarring. – It is intimate, peaceful and unimposing and the longer you contemplate the object, the more subtle nuances you will discover.


Objects with wabi show suggestions of natural process and relate to the natural world seems to be growing from or decaying back into nature.
They have a earthly elegance and understated elegance
They are irregular and have an unpretentious and rustic simplicity


Sabi is the beauty or serenity that comes from age or history. Sabi  means to rust.
Sabi can be an irregularity or flaw such as a chip, crack or discoloration caused by age or use.
Objects with sabi are evoke serenity and  melancholy

Nothing lasts.
Nothing is perfect.
Nothing is finished.
All things are impermanent.
All things are imperfect.
All things are incomplete.