Monthly Archives: November 2011

Outrage Spreads After UC Davis Pepper Spraying : TreeHugger

if you meet a shaman on the road…

This is what she told him: I think it is as important as any religion. It’s a different way of saying the same thing. They [priests] say it by allegory and words. We say it in a visual way, which is much more immediate, much more direct. . . . You’re given a gift to fulfill. You did not bargain for happiness; you bargained for something else. You bargained for revelation. You bargained for a closer concept of reality. And you bargained for your own sanity, I think, half the time. You’re really right down with the elements.”

if you meet a shaman on the road…| Madame Pickwick Art Blog 

The 1% are the very best destroyers of wealth the world has ever seen

The 1% are the very best destroyers of wealth the world has ever seen | George Monbiot 

In a study published by the journal Psychology, Crime and Law, Belinda Board and Katarina Fritzon tested 39 senior managers and chief executives from leading British businesses. They compared the results to the same tests on patients at Broadmoor special hospital, where people who have been convicted of serious crimes are incarcerated. On certain indicators of psychopathy, the bosses’s scores either matched or exceeded those of the patients. In fact, on these criteria, they beat even the subset of patients who had been diagnosed with psychopathic personality disorders.

The psychopathic traits on which the bosses scored so highly, Board and Fritzon point out, closely resemble the characteristics that companies look for. Those who have these traits often possess great skill in flattering and manipulating powerful people. Egocentricity, a strong sense of entitlement, a readiness to exploit others and a lack of empathy and conscience are also unlikely to damage their prospects in many corporations.

lyric essence: there are no maybes

Matisse by Henri-Cartier Bresson

Henri Cartier-Bresson is recognized as one of the great masters of photography. Armed with only a Leica, he strove to capture the fleeting reality of what he called, “the decisive moment.”

He employed neither gimmicks of craft nor tricks of composition. Lincoln Kirstein wrote, ” he is not making art, but taking life.” He always remained true to the French classical tradition, with its stress on simplicity, clarity and economy of means.

lyric essence: there are no maybes | Madame Pickwick Art Blog.