Monthly Archives: March 2011

Hi-res images on Rijksmuseum website

Yarn meets potholes: a different kind of street art — Lost At E Minor: For creative people

Michael Wolff on the Three Muscles of Creativity | Brain Pickings

Art of the state – punk,Graffiti pictures, street art, London photos

I’m O.K you’re not O.K: Death wish | Madame Pickwick Art Blog






“William Blake is an unfortunate lunatic, whose personal inoffensiveness secures him from confinement….the proor man fancies himself a great master, and has painted a few wretched pictures, some of which are intelligible allegory, others an attempt at sober character by caricature representation, and the whole “blotted and blurred”, and very badly drawn. These he calls an Exhibition, of which he has published a Catalogue, or rather farrago of nonsense, unintelligibleness, and egregious vanity, the wild effusions of a distempered brain. ” ( The Examiner, 1808 )

Long before our time, William Blake ( 1757-1827 )  believed that Christianity was a revolutionary faith and poetry a radical art, and that the poet’s duty was to speak for the slave, the captive, and the poor. Yesterday’s lunacy has a disconcerting way of becoming today’s wisdom; more than 200 years have passed since the unsigned review above appeared and in the meanwhile William Blake’s wild effusions have acquired an almost Biblical authority. Had he been a Catholic, he might have been canonized by now

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YouTube – Stephen Fry Kinetic Typography – Language

Inside Out

Inside Out.

All my students in Art since 45. Please read
JR’s TED prize

Irina | Swoon | Show & Tell Gallery | Toronto Contemporary Art Gallery

JR – Artist

JR – Artist.



JR owns the biggest art gallery in the world. He exhibits freely in the streets of the world, catching the attention of people who are not the museum visitors. His work mixes Art and Act, talks about commitment, freedom, identity and limit.

After he found a camera in the Paris subway, he did a tour of European Street Art, tracking the people who communicate messages via the walls. Then, he started to work on the vertical limits, watching the people and the passage of life from the forbidden undergrounds and roofs of the capital.