Scholarly Publishing Guides | Public Knowledge Project

Scholarly Publishing Guides | Public Knowledge Project
Scholarly Publishing Guides

Establishing and Publishing an Online Peer-Reviewed Journal: Action Plan, Resourcing, and Costs, Dr. Lorna Shapiro (2005).
The findings of an independent analyst, whose work not only highlights the strengths of OJS, but also answers many questions others will have in the early stages of starting a journal, including the critical issues of time, costs, and planning.

Getting Found, Staying Found, Increasing Impact: Enhancing Readership and Preserving Content for OJS Journals, Kevin Stranack (2006).
This document shows OJS publishers how to raise their journal’s profile, and suggests strategies for the preservation of their content.

Starting a new Scholarly Journal in Africa, Kevin Stranack (2006).
Considers the promise, possibilities, issues and technologies involved in starting a new scholarly journal in a developing country setting.

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